Professors: |
phone no.: +421 2 32 888 + extension |
Block A Door no. |
![]() |
prof. Ing. Ján Brodniansky, PhD. |
377 |
A 502 |
Associate professors: |
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Head of DepartmentAssoc. prof. Ing. Rudolf Ároch, PhD. |
365 |
A 507 |
Deputy Head of DepartmentAssoc. prof. Ing. Jaroslav Sandanus, PhD. |
366 |
A 504 |
Assoc. prof. Ing. Magdaléna Štujberová, PhD. |
370 |
A 508 |
Lecturers: |
Ing. Ján Brodniansky, PhD. |
372 |
A 519 |
Ing. Michal Kováč, PhD. |
376 |
A 513 |
Ing. Martin Magura, PhD. |
378 |
A 514 |
Ing. Miloš Slivanský, PhD. |
368 |
A 512 |
Researchers: |
Ing. Tomáš Klas, PhD. |
378 |
A 514 |
Administrative assistant: |
Zuzana Bieliková |
377 |
A 506 |
Internal PhD students: |
Ing. Klara Freudenberger |
367 |
A 505 |
Ing. Roman Herda |
379 |
A 511 |
Ing. Silvia Martinkovičová
379 |
A 511 |
Ing. Maroš Mojto |
373 |
A 515 |
Ing. Matúš Neusch |
367 |
A 505 |
Ing. Lucia Ondrašinová
379 |
A 511 |
Ing. Lucia Ondrušková |
367 |
A 505 |
Ing. Adam Petrík |
373 |
A 515 |
Ing. Róbert Štecák |
373 |
A 515 |